Camelot Unchained Wiki
Realm Туата Де Данан

Туата де Данан (Племена богини Дану)

Туата де Данан считают себя лидерами Царства, поскольку они – потомки великих героев. Они - защитники лесов и хранители его самых сокровенных секретов.

Ходят легенды об их способности маскировки, засад и подкрадывания и их врагам стоит дважды подумать, прежде чем входить во тьму лесов Туата де Данан.[>источник?][[[Категория:Статьи с утверждениями без источников]]



Tuathan archers camouflaging for an ambush


Эпоха становления[]


Head styles

Main Article: TBA


Внешний вид[]

Туата де Данан - высокие и гордые люди, косая сажень в плечах, благородные черты лица. Их самая яркая черта – короно-подобные рога, которые берут начало ото лба и различаются размерами и формами; как говорят, унаследованы по старым родовым линиям. Их волосы обычно жесткие с оттенками от темно-рыжего к светло-коричневому. Не пользуются огнем, и их сила и способности могут меняться в зависимости от времени года. [>источник?][[[Категория:Статьи с утверждениями без источников]]


A Tuatha's power often waxes and wanes depending to the season that they’re attuned to, and they may be stronger or weaker, more or less easily harmed at various times of the year. They refuse to use fire due to its chaotic and destructive properties, anathema to the forests they have sworn to protect. [>источник?][[[Категория:Статьи с утверждениями без источников]]

Расовые параметры[]


Расовые параметры[]

Main Article: Banes and Boons
Name Description Cost Times
Chronic Weakness Your strength is reduced by 10
Cursed Destiny The rate at which you recover stamina is reduced by 5%
Susceptible to Sorrow Your Vitality is reduced by 5
Vain Warrior You may not carry a secondary weapon
Aloof Manner The presence of allies nearby reduces your resistances by 1
Doomed Destiny Your total stamina is reduced by 10
Getting the Shivers Panic-causing events which affect you are increased by 1
Keep Away! Enemy strikes against you with melee weapons gain 1 to wound results
Malignant Weakness Each wound you have sustained increases your encumbrance by 1
Self-Absorbed Your abilities may not target allied players
Slow on The Uptake Your reactive defense abilities take 1 second longer to activate
Dreadful Nightmares Your maximum panic rating is decreased by 10 at night
Name Description Cost Times
Spears Speak to Me Lowers the minimum stat requirements of Spear weapons by 1
Essence of Existence Reduces recovery time of Life effects by .5 seconds
Faultline Finder Increases damage with Earth effects by 1
Master of the Spear Wound result rolls with spears are increased by 2
Seismic Master Increases power of Earth effects by 5
Avatar of Anarchy Your Chaos magic abilities gain 10 to critical results rolls, cause 5 additional panic rating, and have their blood cost reduced by 5. You may not train in any form of magic other than Chaos.
Endless Energy Your endurance is increased by 2
Master Hunter Your chance to wound is increased by 2 with ranged attacks
Breath of Life Increases the rate of proficiency gained with Life spells by 5%
Champion of Calm Allies near you have their panic rating reduced by 1 each time you assist in killing an enemy
Fearsome Focus [Ability] Attacks against the target of this ability within 30 seconds gain 2 armor penetration (does not stack)
Feel the Earth Increases the rate of proficiency gained with Earth spells by 5%
Fleetfoot Your movement speed in combat is increased by .5
Loyal Fury You gain 1 to wound result rolls against enemies for 30 seconds after they attack one of your allies
Nothing Hurts Wound result rolls to your vital body parts are reduced by 5
Skewering Skills Increases the rate of proficiency gained with Spear attacks by 5%
Surefooted You recover from being knocked down 50% faster
Twisted Knowledge Your proficiency with Dark magic runes is increased by 2 and your proficiency with Light magic runes is decreased by 1
Vigorous Vitality Reduces the blood cost of Life effects by 1
Sickening Secrets Increases the rate of proficiency gained with Chaos magic by 2% and decreases the rate of proficiency gained with Void magic by 10%

Известные личности[]


Tuathan landscape

  • Nuada
  • Bres
  • Morrigan
  • Lugh


  • The Tuatha Dé Danann was the first race concept and 3D character model for the game that was released during the Kickstarter campaign.

История редакций[]

  • April 4th, 2013 - The Tuatha art concepts and 3D model were released early during the Kickstarter campaign

Race Image tuatha tdd02




  1. Tuatha Race Page
  2. Silverhands Becoming
  3. CU Kickstarter Update 4-4-2013

Внешние ссылки[]