Camelot Unchained Wiki
Camelot Unchained Wiki
Realm Arthurian

Стирм - самые загадочные люди из всех рас Камелота. У ученых есть только предположения об их происхождении и побуждениях и Стирм предпочитают оставлять это без пояснений. Некоторые даже связывают их с Драконами, но это еще больше покрыто тайной.

Стирмы элегантны и изящны и очень гордятся силой своих ритмических движений. Бой для Стирма – танец, и их изящные движения – сама магия.

Стирм сильно матриархальны как в правительстве, так и в господстве полов, не смотря на то, что все члены их расы изысканно грациозны и одни из самых лучших танцоров мира. Они также известны своими сильными узами, даже к своим врагам они относятся с уважением.



Elegance and mystery

Из того что нам известно сегодня можно сделать предположение что связи с драконами могут связывать Стирмов с самим созданием мира. Мы можем только надеяться, что когда-нибудь завеса тайны будет приподнята.

Эпоха становления[]

Внешний вид[]

Внешне, Стирмы выглядят как худощавые рептилиеобразные гуманоиды. Embraced in a layer of pale scale plating throughout their entire body, with intricate designs of darker scale usually on the face, back, and along the belly. They have ridges around the sides of the head with wild growths of rigid wispy hair. Their hands are clawed with thin needle-like talons, while their leg end with wide digitigrade feet with thicker talons. They have vestigial tails, along with a pair of wings that come out the small of their backs; though, those might be more ornamental than functional, helping to add to their unearthly grace.



Расовые параметры[]


Проклятия и благословения[]

Main Article: Banes and Boons
Name Description Cost Times
Live by the Sword You may not equip weapons or focus items other than swords 2 5
Self-Righteous You may not train in any runes of Dark magic, and your resistance to Dark Magic is reduced by 1 10 1
Suspicious Your Resonance, Faith, and Will are reduced by 5 5 3
Creeping Despair You suffer 1 additional panic rating for the death of each ally nearby 1 5
Cursed Legacy Your maximum panic rating is reduced by 3 while near the ruins of Camelot 1 5
Dread of Disorder Your resistance to chaos magic is reduced by 25 and chaos effects inflict an additional 5 panic rating 5 1
Held Back by Honor Your attacks gain no bonus for striking enemies from behind 10 1
Obsessed With Revenge When wounded by an enemy, you lose 5 penetration defense until they are killed or you are killed 5 1
Overconfidence Your resistances are lowered by 1 for each ally greater than the number of enemies present nearby, up to 25 2 5
Pacifist You may not equip weapons or use abilities which cause damage to enemies 10 1
Shield Dependence You lose 5 resistance to crushing, slashing, and piercing resistance when not using a shield 5 1
Within These Walls Your wound threshold is reduced by 5 when not defending allied buildings 5 1
Name Description Cost Times
Built to Last Your armor penetration defense is increased by 1 2 5
Know Thy Enemy (Requires Built to Last) Your chance to be wounded is reduced by 5 against attacks from the front 5 1
Steadfast Defense (Requires Know Thy Enemy) [Ability] You gain 25 resistance to crushing, piercing, and slashing until after the next time you take damage 10 1
Disciple of the Mind Increases the rate of proficiency gained with Mind spells by 5% 1 5
Astonishing Acuity (Disciple of the Mind) Increases the power of Mind effects by 1 3 3
Sublime Sage (Requires Astonishing Acuity) Critical result rolls for Mind spells increase by 1 5 1
Faith in Fire Increases the rate of proficiency gained with Fire spells by 5% 1 5
Afterburn (Requires Faith in Fire)'Increases the duration of Fire damage over time by 3 3 3
Inner Inferno (Requires Afterburn) Fire effects ignore 1 fire resistance on their target 5 1
Squire's Schooling Your proficiency with all weapons and armor is increased by 1 2 5
Knight's Knowledge (Requires Squire's Schooling) Ignore the effects of a panic rating below 25% 10 1
Paragon's Planning (Knight's Knowledge) You and nearby allies gain +1 to armor penetration (does not stack with other players' Paragon's Planning) 10 1
Sword Student Increases the rate of proficiency gained with Sword attacks by 5% 1 5
Blade Bonded (Requires Sword Student) Lowers the minimum stat requirements of Sword weapons by 1 3 3
Sword Master (Requires Blade Bonded) Increases penetration with sword attacks by 3 5 1
Endless Fortitude Stamina costs are reduced by 50% while Exhausted 10 1
Unified Front Increases all damage resistance by 1 per nearby player of an allied race 1 1
Splitting Striker Your first attack after exiting travel mode reduces the target's resistance to the type of damage dealt by 5 5 2
Intensive Study Your Attunement is increased by 5 5 3
Master at Arms Your time to switch weapons is reduced by 50% 10 1

Известные личности[]



  • The St'rm were originally released as a neutral race concept during the Kickstarter, it wasn't until later they were placed in Arthur's Realm.

История редакций[]

  • April 16th, 2013 - Race is revealed during the Kickstarter

Race Image a strm03



  • Animation Test 1:

  • Animation Test 2:

  • Animation Test 3

  • Are St'rm holding the key to the mystery of Dragons?
  • The video below is The Opposition Podcast with Mark Jacobs; here (the first post in that thread) is the list of topics, in order in which they appear in the video - skip to 1:06:43 for St'rm and Dragons:


Looking at (Alpha test) clouds
Early animations development
Very early "building" destruction (Alpha tests)



Внешние ссылки[]